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Experience JUMO in Halle (Saale), Germany!

Our sensor and automation solutions are specifically designed to minimize risks and maximize the efficiency of your processes. This is what we stand for with experienced specialists, decades of expertise, and modern technology. Powerful automation systems, digital sensor technology with SPE and IO-Link, and the JUMO Safety Performance brand literally fulfill every wish. They ensure that everything runs smoothly and safely in your plants and systems. Find out more at the MSR special trade fair!

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Specialist lecture on pump and ignition source monitoring

Visit our technical lecture!

Pump and ignition source monitoring

Our speaker, Manfred Walter, has many years of experience in functional safety. He will give you a comprehensive overview of the dos and don'ts of pump and ignition source monitoring. The lecture will take place from 9:00 to 9:30 AM in Room D. Registration is not required. I hope you are as excited as we are!

Communicate effectively with SPE or IO-Link

You have the choice!

Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) and IO-Link are revolutionizing industrial communication and ensure real-time data and process reliability. By integrating SPE, you benefit from efficient and space-saving data transmission that is perfect for networked applications. IO-Link, on the other hand, enables simple and cost-efficient sensor-actuator communication. Whether SPE or IO-Link: we will find the right solution for you and thereby enable communication that is not only smart, but also future-oriented!

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Sensors with IO-Link or Single Pair Ethernet

Our trade fair highlights

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Sabine Hauß



+49 661 6003 9597 Make an appointment now