Smooth start

First machines move into the new SENSILO factory

After more than a year of intensive planning and preparation, the time has finally come: The move of the machines and systems to JUMO's ultra-modern SENSILO factory has begun. This logistical masterpiece is the result of close cooperation between the departments involved, specialized moving companies and the manufacturers of the systems.


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The move marks a significant milestone that sets the course for the future of production at JUMO. In the future, the new factory in the Fulda-West industrial area will enable even more efficient production of sensor solutions. The first step of the move was heralded in mid-November with the relocation of a complex, interlinked production line for pressure sensors. As part of the move, this plant will receive a capacity upgrade in order to meet the increased demands of the market.

Every detail precisely planned

The machine move is a highly complex undertaking. Every detail – from the specific requirements of the systems for air conditioning and humidity to coordination with parallel production – was precisely planned.

In order to ensure that JUMO customers in a wide range of industries can always be supplied, pre-production and necessary downtimes were precisely planned and timed. It is also important to ensure that employees have a seamless transition and a smooth start in the new plant.

Quality management also plays a central role: it accompanies the entire relocation process to ensure the highest production standards before and after the machines are put into operation. In parallel, work is still underway in the new SENSILO plant, including the construction of the clean room and the fine installation of the building infrastructure.

Collaboration with partners: Still on schedule

"The smooth start of the move shows how well our team and our partners work together. Despite challenges such as the unstable weather conditions, we are on schedule and optimistic that the next relocation in December - a machine for the production of flow sensors - will be just as successful," emphasizes Maximilian Hahn, project manager responsible for production planning and the move to the new plant.

The new SENSILO plant will offer state-of-the-art and flexible production conditions in the future to generate further growth and strengthen the market position.

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