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Greenhouses in the Netherlands

The ideal growing condition

In the Netherlands, there are currently around 9000 specialised greenhouse horticulture companies active with a total of 10,000 ha of greenhouses. In these greenhouses, various types of vegetables, flowers and plants are grown under ideal conditions. This makes it possible to estimate more accurately and more quickly how much of which crop will be fully grown when. An additional advantage of using greenhouse horticulture is that a product can be grown all year round and is available to us, the consumer, all year round. In 2020, greenhouse horticulture in the Netherlands will be responsible for an export value of 14 billion euros in fruit and vegetables, according to Wageningen Economic Research (WeCR) and the CBS.

Greenhouse in the Netherlands

Greenhouse in the Netherlands

Clean surface water

Clean surface water

Reliable and clean

Measurement brings knowledge

Temperature, humidity, pH/conductivity, CO2 and light intensity all influence the growth climate in the greenhouse. Accurate measurement and control of these measured values is therefore very important. JUMO offers a wide range of sensors for measuring temperature, humidity, pH/conductivity and CO2, and you can choose between wired, wireless, analogue and digital versions. In addition to insight into measured values, laws and regulations play an important role in horticulture. For example, in the area of surface water pollution. For example, in the area of surface water pollution. In the Netherlands as of January 1, 2018, it is mandatory to lead drain water, drainage water and the rinse water of filters of a water dosing plant that contains crop protection resources, through a purification facility prior to discharge. Water treatment equipment from JUMO contributes to achieving your purification efficiency and to the circular economy. Our sensors and analysis equipment have been used in greenhouse farming for many years to ensure a reliable and clean production process.

Image combined heat and power system (CHP)

Image combined heat and power system (CHP)

Responsible heating

With smart measurement technology

In order to supply heat, electricity and CO2 in an environmentally responsible way, a so-called combined heat and power (CHP) system can be an important production tool for greenhouse horticulture. After all, in addition to water and light, a plant needs heat to grow. What is a CHP installation? A CHP is the combined generation of heat and electricity in one process. In the process of electricity generation, a certain percentage of energy is used and the rest is released as heat. By implementing a cogeneration system, this heat can be collected and used as a heating system within the greenhouse. There are numerous possibilities to make an existing installation more profitable. This can be done by combining it with heat pumps, ORCs or low-temperature extraction systems. Due to the complexity of such installations, it is important that all components are properly coordinated. JUMO's measurement and control technology ensures that all components operate correctly within the correct temperature range. In this way, you can enjoy the benefits of the heating system of your choice in greenhouses.

Example of process representation with IoT platform from JUMO

Example of process representation with IoT platform from JUMO

Maximum greenhouse insight

IoT platform of JUMO

As a horticulturalist, you are aware of the importance of maximum insight into your process data. After all, with the right data you can optimally control and adjust the cultivation and growth process in your greenhouse. To support this, JUMO offers a wide range of readout devices for clear display of temperature, humidity and CO2 content. In addition to individual units, JUMO offers complete PLC control systems. The great advantage of such systems is the high degree of design freedom. The new JUMO variTRON automation system is just such a system. To illustrate, JUMO variTRON offers you complete design freedom from the control level upwards and the possibility of customer-specific operation and visualization via CODESYS. Because JUMO variTRON is connected to the cloud, you can view the status of your production process in real time anytime, anywhere. Interested in gaining maximum insight into your greenhouse? Please contact us.


System example JUMO digiLine technology Digital water treatment System example for measurement, control and analysis in greenhouse horticulture
  • Smart technology for conductivity and concentration measurement
  • JUMO AQUIS touch display unit
  • Connection possible to JUMO automation systems
System example JUMO digiLine technology
Pressure sensors
Pressure measurement technology from JUMO
Pressure measurement in greenhouses with manometers and pressure sensors from JUMO
  • For pressure measurement in irrigation systems
  • For use in machine and plant construction
  • High quality and very precise
Pressuremeasurement Pressure technology
JUMO Cloud
Cloud Solutions
JUMO IoT solutions
  • For process visualisation, registration and data storage
  • Global visibility with common web browsers
  • Alarm management and high data security
Cloud Solutions JUMO IoT

Lightbulb logo

Fresh feed water for tulip growing 2.0

From practice | KaRo and Boon en Breg

Fully automatic controlled disinfection and fertilisation

In the tulip hatchery of Boon and Breg in Andijk, almost the entire process is automated. The equally fully automated water supply, which recycles 99 percent of the water, is a crucial component of this. For KaRo Tuinbouwtechnieken, which developed the system, and JUMO, the supplier of the control system, there are now exciting times ahead: does the system do exactly what it is supposed to do? From the outside, it looks like an ordinary greenhouse, but inside is a 2.0 forcing facility of Boon and Breg in Andijk. Fully automated, the tulip bulbs move through a greenhouse while growing. Only once do people have to be present to place the tulip bulbs in a plastic crate at the start. Three weeks later, the tulips are packed ready for sale all over the world.

Lightbulb logo

It looks like an ordinary greenhouse

From practice | KaRo and Boon en Breg

Tulip growing 2.0

Last year, we started building a water treatment plant in which we reuse 99 percent of the water," says Arjan Rood, owner of KaRo Horticultural Techniques, which developed the plant especially for Boon and Breg's state-of-the-art forcing facility. "Every time, the water we reuse has to be fresh again and it has to contain the right fertiliser on which the tulips can grow." KaRo uses a complete JUMO package with sensors and the mTRON T control system to control its water treatment plant. This PLC control system has a modular design and can process the measured values of several sensors and monitor the limit values. The O/I modules ensure high measuring accuracy and control quality. "Such a central control system is very important for us. Every hour, we pump 80 cubic metres of water with a precisely measured concentration of chlorine and a sophisticated quantity of fertiliser to keep the tulip growth going throughout the forcing. The dosage is very precise", emphasises Rood. The JUMO mTRON T controls the dosage, which is geared to water quality, such as the addition of oxygen and active chlorine.

Lightbulb logo

Fully automated

From practice | KaRo and Boon en Breg

PLC control

In addition to the dosage, aimed at water quality, eight different fertilisers are also added to the feed water. This too is done fully automatically with the PLC control system. Depending on the three-week flowering phase, the fertilisers are dosed in different combinations. Using sensors, the PLC takes care of the pH correction, fully automatically. "This water treatment process is now fully automated and we are happy that we were able to outsource it to a party, in this case JUMO," says Rood. "We no longer have to look after this and can focus entirely on optimising the limit values and ensuring that the tulips flower properly." In recent months, KaRO has continued to work intensively on this optimisation. In October, the new forcing period started, which runs until December. By Christmas, the tulips should be available in abundance in the shops again. "Now our water treatment process must really prove itself for the first time," says Rood. "The accuracy of the process monitoring will now be put to the test. With the sensors and the automated process control from JUMO, we have a qualitatively very reliable system. With the new water treatment, Boon and Breg will be able to deliver an even more sophisticated approach to a whole season of tulips, which will bloom in living rooms at exactly the right time."

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