Well-earned retirement

More time for hobbies, gardening and grandchildren

Saying goodbye to long-standing colleagues always marks an extraordinary moment full of emotions and memories – but also anticipation of the time that can now be devoted more to hobbies, gardening and grandchildren. As part of a celebratory event in the "Rabanus-Stuben" in Petersberg, it was time to say goodbye to valued JUMO employees who are entering their well-earned retirement.


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Dimitrios Charisiadis, Managing Director of the JUMO Group, took the opportunity to personally thank each and every one of them for their work. "It fills me with great gratitude and pride to have had such committed and loyal employees in our company. You have made a significant contribution to the company's growth," he emphasized in his speech. Health is now the most important thing for the next few years. 

The works council members Torsten Nebenführ and Harald Kaib recognized the long-standing commitment of their colleagues. Both had organized the meeting very well. HR manager Alexandra Dantmann also thanked those present for their decades of commitment.

Over a delicious lunch, many memories were exchanged and the group enjoyed numerous humorous anecdotes.

The following were bid farewell: Manfred Götz, Stefan Jonas, Bettina Huberg, Hugo Walter, Irma Gudi, Margot Engel, Gabriele Schäfer, and Horst Rupprecht.

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